
Your health skyrocketing

Jump into a healthier lifestyle with Altitude Madrid

Trampolining is not only a fun way to bond with your loved ones, but it also has many health benefits you may not have considered before.

From improved balance, strength and coordination to an overall increase in energy levels. Let’s explore why starting to jump on a trampoline should be part of a good routine for everyone.

The benefits of the trampoline

Trampolining provides users with a number of physical and mental benefits. From a physical standpoint, trampolining helps improve flexibility and balance, while providing a low-impact, full-body workout that anyone can enjoy, regardless of their fitness level.

In addition, regular trampolining sessions help strengthen muscles and increase the flow of oxygen throughout the body, leading to an overall increase in energy levels. What’s more, when done as part of a group or family activity, it helps to build trust between individuals, as well as promoting better communication and teamwork skills.

With a session of about one hour for 3 days a week, you start to see results. See here for a great example of how skipping can change your life.

Recommended age to start jumping

Most experts recommend that children begin trampoline jumping around the age of 5, as this is when they usually develop the muscle strength and coordination needed to jump safely. However, even younger children can benefit from light jumping on mini-trampolines under adult supervision.

As for older adults who are new to rebounding exercises, it is recommended that they consult their doctor before engaging in any form of physical activity, for advice based on their individual needs and abilities.

Jumping is an activity suitable for all ages, but like all sports, you have to start from 0 and practice it consistently to enjoy all its benefits.

With parks like Altitude Trampoline Park Madrid you can start to lead this lifestyle. Try the beginner jumps and venture out on the more professional attractions, discover new ways of having fun while making friends, and there’s no excuse for not starting a healthier lifestyle with trampolines today!

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